Posts [ML] 02. Regression Model

[ML] 02. Regression Model

Tags: Week 1 : Introduction to Machine Learning


Regression 정의

Regression is to predict numbers

Any supervised learning model that predicts a number such as 220,000 or 1.5 or negative 33.2 is addressing what’s called a regression problem

Linear Regression

  • Fitting a straight line to your dataset
  • Regression인데 선형인 regression, not 비선형
  • Linear regression builds a model which establishes a relationship between features and targets
  • The model has two parameters $w$ and $b$ whose values are ‘fitted’ using training data.
  • Supervised Learning
  • Also called “one variable(a single feature)” or “Univariate(one variable) Linear Regression”


(Predictive) Function

  • $f$ : Hypothesis(Historically, This function used to called as)
  • $\hat{y}$ : Estimated or predicted value of $y$
  • $y$ : Target(or Label), which is actual true value in the training set
  • $x$ : Input or input feature
  • $w$ : parameter: weight
  • $b$ : parameter: bias
  • Subscript $w$, $b$ of $f_{w,b}(x)$ : $w$, $b$ are fixed, which are **always a constant value


  • $w$ and $b$ will determine the prediction $\hat{y}$ based on the input features $x$. The function takes $x$ as input, and depending on the values of $w$ and $b$, $f$ will output a prediction $\hat{y}$
  • In machine learning, parameters of the model are the variables you can adjust during training in order to improve the model
  • Parameters also are referred to as coefficients or weights

Cost Function

머신러닝 모델은 예측값과 실제값의 차이가 최소화되는 방향으로 parameters($w$, $b$)을 수정(Update)함

\[\min_{w,b} \ J(w, b)\]
  • 손실함수 $J(w, b)$를 최소화하는 $w$, $b$(min 하첨자)를 찾는 수학적 표현


Note: There are many different type of cost functions, except below cost function

\[J(w,b) = \frac{1}{2m}∑^m_{i=1}(f_{w,b}(x^{(i)})−y^{(i)})^2\]
  • $m$ : number of training examples
  • $f_{w,b}(x^{(i)})$ = $\hat{y}^{(i)}$ : Prediction value
  • $y^{(i)}$ : Target
  • Error : $f_{w,b}(x^{(i)})-y^{(i)}$
  • $m$ : number of training examples
  • By convention, the cost function that machine learning people use actually divides by 2 times m. The extra division by 2 is just meant to make some of our later calculations look neater, but the cost function still works whether you include this division by 2 or not
  • Called as Squared Error Cost Function


Predictive linear function is a function of the input $x$

Cost function is a function of the parameter w, the horizontal axis is now labeled w and not x of function, and the vertical axis is now J and not y of function

(1) With parameter $w$ only, being $b = 0$

  • Model : $f_{w}(x)=wx$
  • Parameters : $w$
  • Cost function : $J(w) = \frac{1}{2m}∑^m_{i=1}(f_{w}(x^{(i)})−y^{(i)})^2$
  • Goal : $\min_{w} \ J(w)$
  • 그래프로 쉽게 이해하기

    2-1 Regression

    2-2 Regression

    2-2 Regression

(2) With parameter $w$, $b$

03 Regression

04 Regression

  • Model : $f_{w,b}(x)=wx+b$
  • Parameters : $w, b$
  • Cost function : $J(w,b) = \frac{1}{2m}∑^m_{i=1}(f_{w,b}(x^{(i)})−y^{(i)})^2$
  • Goal : $\min_{w, b} \ J(w, b)$
  • Examples1 : 손실함수값이 minimum에서 멀리있다

    05 Regression

  • Examples2 : 손실함수값이 minimum에 있음

    06 Regression

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